Recreational Vehicle Insurance
Clarke Insurance Agency uses state-of-the-art technology to assess the risks your RVs face in order to determine your insurance needs, and then shops the different policies available through a number of different carriers. That means we can find an insurance policy that matches your coverage needs quickly. We do the shopping so that you can get the policy you need without having to do all the research.
Why Should You Get Insurance For Your RV?
At Clarke Insurance Agency, we know that your RVs mean a lot to you and for that reason we want to be sure that they are protected as much as possible. No matter how careful you may be, accidents can still happen. When they do, Clarke Insurance Agency will get you back on the road as soon as possible.
What does this product offer?
Comprehensive Coverage- This is included in an RV policy and is not usually included in your typical auto policy. This provides protection from just about any direct, sudden, and accidental loss, including; collision, fire, smoke, floods, landslides, hail, windstorms, animals, vandalism, low branches or overhangs, theft and lightning. We also include Coverage for Attached Accessories, including awnings, satellite dishes, TV antennas and more.
Total Loss Replacement Coverage- This option can save you literally thousands of dollars when compared to typical auto policies, which pay only the Actual Cash Value of your trailer travel at the time it's destroyed. This coverage protects from the effects of depreciation. If your new-model travel trailer is destroyed within its first five model years, and you're the original owner, we'll pay to replace it with a brand new one of similar kind and quality. In years six through ten, we'll give you up to what you originally paid for it toward the purchase of another motor home.
Emergency Expenses Coverage- Pays for lodging or travel home if your rig is damaged or destroyed by a covered loss more than 50 miles from home.
Replacement Cost Coverage- More than a typical auto or homeowners policy, this covers your personal belonging that are destroyed or stolen.
Contact Clarke Insurance Agency today at 609-267-1441 to learn more about options that match your unique needs. Our agents have plenty of experiencing searching for policies of all types.
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