Employment Practices Liability (EPL)
Clarke Insurance Agency uses state-of-the-art technology to assess the risks your company faces to determine your insurance needs, and then shops the different policies available through several companies. That means we can find an EPL insurance policy that matches your coverage needs quickly. We do the shopping so that you get more value for your investment without having to do a lot of research.
What is Covered by Your Employment Practices Liability Policy?
EPL insurance policies can include a lot of coverage options. Typically, in the event of an employee allegation, a good policy will cover:
Legal fees
Damages awarded
Cost of an investigation
Fees from regulatory actions
Why Your Business Needs an Employment Practices Liability Policy
Recent increases in the rules and regulations surrounding workplace decorum have led to a sharp spike in workplace harrasment lawsuits over the past few years. No matter how ardently a company tries to avoid these issues, there is always a risk that an employee could say or do something that someone else could construe as offensive. EPL policies protect business from all types of employee conduct related lawsuits, including sexual harassment, discrimination, or wrongful termination. These allegations can be costly and seriously damagaing to your business's reputation, which makes protecting your company against these claims essential.
EPL is not covered under general liabilty policies!
Contact Clarke Insurance Agency today at 609-267-1441 to learn more about options that match your unique needs. Our agents have plenty of experiencing searching for policies of all types.
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